Using AutoMapper with NInject in a non ASP.Net application
Using AutoMapper with NInject in a non ASP.Net application In this blog post, I am going to show one of the several methods in which AutoMapper can be used with NInject IOC Container. In ASP.Net / ASP.Net core, there are alternate ways. This is specifically for Console / Windows-based applications. In the method where you would register the services such as the following code example: kernel = new StandardKernel(); kernel.Bind<IService1>.To<Service1>(); In this method, you can bind AutoMapper, as in the following code sample: var config = new MapperConfiguration((cfg) => { cfg.CreateMap<Entity1, Entity1BusinessObject>().ReverseMap(); cfg.CreateMap<Entity2, Entity2BusinessObject>().ReverseMap(); }); var mapper = config.CreateMapper(); kernel.Bind<IMapper>().ToConstant(mapper) Happy Developing! Using AutoMapper with NInject in a non ASP.Net application