
Showing posts from March, 2020

Kaldi - Speech to text using Aspire

Kaldi - Speech to text using Aspire Assuming you already installed Kaldi, the following blog post shows how to install the Aspire Model. A list of available Kaldi models can be found here . If you don't have Kaldi installed yet, follow this web page - How to install Kaldi-ASR on Ubuntu 18 Navigate to egs/aspire/s5 wget tar xfv 0001_aspire_chain_model.tar.gz steps/online/nnet3/ --mfcc-config conf/mfcc_hires.conf data/lang_chain exp/nnet3/extractor exp/chain/tdnn_7b exp/tdnn_7b_chain_online wget ./ ./ ffmpeg -i LDC93S1.wav -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 8000 output.wav navigate to src/online2bin In the following command path(s) to words.txt, final.mdl, HCLG.fst, test.wav may need to be adjusted as per your installation. ./online2-wav-nnet3-latgen-faster \ --online=false \ --do-endpointing=false ...